Who is Dirk de boe?
- Creativity and innovation addict. Fascinated by lifelong learning.
- 20+ years of industrial experience at Philips (Innovation of Sound Systems and Televisions)
- Author of the book Creashock, think different, dare to do, with results. (English translation in progress, please find summary here
- Got in 2010 the special Innovation Prize from the Flemish Government
- Co-author of the book Edushock, a positive shock in Education (hierbij graag linken naar de samenvatting in het Engels)
- Was one of the speakers at the World Creativity Forum in 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDgyhJ3dhVs
- Is Flanders District of Creativity Fellow and shares his entrepeneurial experience in industry and schools
- Guest blogger for Itinera independent think thank
- Follow Dirk on Twitter via @dirkdeboe (personal account) @edushock (educational activities) and @creashocker (creativity and innovation)
More info? dirk.deboe@skynet.be of +32474/949448